Website may be up and down over next few months. I'm currently doing a complete overhaul of everything. Going back to simple individual .htm pages, new overall site theme, sanitizing and cleaning up html of all pages and blog posts, attempting to implement a new tooling and publishing system etc etc.

Site was temporarilly down for about 30 hours. Nothing was broken I just left it as it was so that godaddy could take a look at if it was anything on there end. I wrote a new extension for BlogEngine that would allow me to embed [ SILVERLIGHT ] tags in pages or posts and have the tag replaced with a silverlight html "<object" markup.

But if you visited the site yesterday you would have seen the error page stating that there was a compile error on line two ala "using System.Linq;". This error had me scratching my head. I double checked the settings under godaddy hosting control panel and iis7 and 2.0/3.0/3.5 were set properly. One thing I did notice was that on the error page that the command line that was being called and invoking the C# compiler was not making any references to the System.Linq assemblies. Which would explain the compilation error. ASP.NET is the one that is invoking the call to the C# compiler and if goddady supported 3.5 as they claim I don't understand why my extension would not be compiling.

It sucks because I also got around to writing a second extension for BlogEngine that tracks changes I make to the site weather I create new content/delete content or just update content on the site it logs everything. Then every so often when I want to make a new blog entry all I have to do is type [ CHANGELOG ] and presto a nicley formated categorized and bulleted list get embeded into the post and the log file gets cleared out. I wrote this extension because sometimes I tweak the site here and there or add a little bit of new content and forget to mention it in a blog post. With this extension all that get handled for me automatically. 

Unfortunatley I cannot use this extension either because it heavilly uses linq as well. *Sigh*

Something else that has me concerned is that DomainPeople the company that I have registered my domain name with is not letting me log into there site. So I tried there password recovery option and provided my domain name then clicked the "Get Password" button but it comes back as saying it can't find that domain.  O.o wtf? I have used DomainPeople as my registar for for over 7 years how could they not have a record of my domain. Even the WhoIs records show that is registered using DomainPeople. I submited a feedback form but am still waiting to hear back from them. Grrr

So all around these last few days have not been all that great.

I just gotta say DAM! Linq and Extension methods in .NET are cool. Not only do they get cooler the more you use them they make your code much easier to read and thus understand what is going on.

I was going back and refactoring my classes for reading various xml asset files for a silverlight game I am working on, and I have reduced the number of lines of code needed to read/write xml files by over half. The only problem I have now is trying to fight off those bad habits of writing code the old way. Just felt like sharing :P

I'm going to try to get the game uploaded to this site as soon as i get a little more work done on it.

Created by: X

Just another personal website in this crazy online world

Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
About Me -- Resume