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Website may be up and down over next few months. I'm currently doing a complete overhaul of everything.
Going back to simple individual .htm pages, new overall site theme, sanitizing and cleaning up html of all
pages and blog posts, attempting to implement a new tooling and publishing system etc etc.
- Projects
Contains links to various programming projects I have developed.
- Silverlight
Contains links to various silverlight projects I have developed.
Contains links to various xna projects I have developed.
- Unity
Contains links to various Unity realated content.
Add Remove Enum values macros An article, with code, of a macro that shows how to add or remove enum values from a declared enumerated type in code.
Bubble Sort Simple example and info about the bubble sort algorithim.
Create Property Shows how to use this marco to create property wrapers for your varibles.
Fart Sniffer Tutorial This tutorial will walk you through creating a number of flies that will fallow a scent trail, that you draw on the screen using the mouse. It will be designed to show how easy it is to code AI to achieve simple path finding / fallowing 'fly like' behavior.
Game development difficulties This article is for game developers who are finding it difficult to finish there game projects, And try's to point out some of the reasons why these projects fail.
Simple FOV (field of view) app Demonstrates a method of determining what parts of a grid a user is looking at using a field of view. I wrote this sample app because sometimes it's just easier to be able to look at something in front of you and trouble shoot rather then working with just a mental modal.
Spitle A project I had started that would allow me to generate a series of overloaded methods with xml comments.
xIcon Browser add-in for vb6 VB5 & 6 do not have an icon browser to browse through all the build in office icons. So I made one. Simply scroll through the list then select the icon you wish to use. The icons index will appear as well as a 16x16 and a 32x32 preview of the selected icon. The source is not commented very good. (10.24 kb)
ZipThatSnip Allows you to export and zip a selected piece of code from
- Wow armory cheat sheet
A list of ID's relating to the wow armory.
- DX Resize problems
A solution to the DriverInternalErrorException Exception.