Website may be up and down over next few months. I'm currently doing a complete overhaul of everything. Going back to simple individual .htm pages, new overall site theme, sanitizing and cleaning up html of all pages and blog posts, attempting to implement a new tooling and publishing system etc etc.

On Jan 23, 2010 we 1 shotted the general.

Uploaded a new video from Jan 22, 2010 mimron fight. All night I was either healing or kitty dpsing and every time the electric charge went off i was outta there zippity quick with time to burn. Then i decided to try and tank it and the one time i really need to run outta there is the one time I brain fart and stand there like a nub. Phail, just, ... phail.

Last night the guild decided to give EoE (Eye of Eternity) a go and on the third attempt we spanked em!

Woot! We downed Yogg-Saron yesterday and tonight we completed 10man TOC !

As the guild I'm in progresses through ulduar I've started to record videos of our successes and our failures to have a resource to look back upon and learn from.

Wow it's been a while

Published 12/7/2009 by createdbyx in News

It's been a while since I last posted. Been working on a world of warcraft fan website and yes playing wow. Got my resto/tank/dps druid to 80! That makes 3 toons I have leveled to 80 with a mage on the way. Other then that I have not got around to making blog posts or even felt like making them. :(

I also have not done any work on my XNA projects.

Heaven help me!

Published 10/17/2008 by createdbyx in Games | News
I feel the shakes starting again. They never really left me. I try to put it out of my mind, but it is almost always there. An itch that yearns to be scratched. The anxiousness, the tension, the need to walk through the fields of Nagrand, to soar on a majestic Golden Gryphon, to curse at my pet whom I named "Retard".

Yes, if you have not already guessed or clicked on the above links I am referring to World of Warcraft. I have never felt such a deep sense of loss when I stopped playing that game. It's been six months give or take since I said my goodbyes. I guess living in a virtual world for six months straight will do that. I have never felt so drawn into a game world as much as I have in wow. With so much to see and do, I miss being there. Living it, loving it, hating it.

As I am writing this I can hear my brother playing wow in the next room. He has just recently renewed his account. He tells me he needs someone to play with, and to quest by his side. I can hear the clashing of swords, ogres grunting, steel blades impacting on shields.

But I hesitate, as much as I yearn to join him in glorious battle. To visit new places, and rejoin old friends, and guild mates. I know that if I renew my account, it will surely consume me. Countless hours will turn into days, then weeks, then months! I know I will only be be able to pull my self away just long enought to eat and sleep. My dreams will be full of ideas, places, and experiences that I will long to explore.

The new expantion pack Wrath of Lich King is drawing near. Should I or should I not renew my account. I find myself torn in two directions, between addiction and a sad emptyness.

Heaven help me! I have just clicked the complete purchase button ...

Status Report

Published 5/18/2008 by createdbyx
Have not had much time for coding since I have started helping my parents build there house. But I have written a few more lines for my Zider Game Engine project. You can get the new bits from the CodePlex site here. I have been thinking about making some videos showing off my progress so far, but have not gotten around to it yet.

I have also broken my wow addiction and have not played in like over two weeks. I swore up and down I would not buy that game, but then my brother bought it and con-ed me into getting it. The frigging thing cost my like $150+ CAD after I bought the game and then had to buy a six month subscription. Not to mention I had to buy the burning crusade expansion two months after my subscription started. Ridiculous amount of money for a game that you can only play online!

I'm kinda glad my account is expiring at the end of the month though, because it gives me more free time to work on my coding projects. WOW does so many things right but it totally spoils it by turning around and doing so many things horribly wrong. it was an intense six months of learning how NOT to make a game!

Any way just thought I would make a post so people know that I am still alive and kicking...

Created by: X

Just another personal website in this crazy online world

Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
About Me -- Resume