When applied to a game object causes the object to billboard to the camera.
public class CameraBillboard : MonoBehaviour
// the camera the the game object will be bill boarded to.
public Camera m_Camera;
// if true the game object will be positioned just in front of the cameras near clip plane
public bool PositionInFrontOfCamera;
// the offset to position the object when PositionInFrontOfCamera is true
public float Offset = 0.001f;
void Awake()
// if no camera has been specified just use main camera
if (m_Camera == null) m_Camera = Camera.main;
void Update()
// get forward vector of the camera and normalize it
var vec = m_Camera.transform.forward;
// set the position of the game object just inside the cameras near clipping plane so it blocks the camera view
if (this.PositionInFrontOfCamera) this.transform.position = m_Camera.transform.position + (vec * (m_Camera.nearClipPlane + this.Offset));
// orient the game object to look at the camera
this.transform.LookAt(this.transform.position + m_Camera.transform.rotation * Vector3.back, m_Camera.transform.rotation * Vector3.up);