*Notice this is old content related ro old blog post references
Quick Tips
The quick tips section contains a list of programming tips that the developer can use to be more efficient.
| Visual Basic.NET | |
Retrieving OS System Information
- System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation
Declare 2 variables and set there value in 1 line of code
- Use Dim a As Integer, b As Integer = 0. If you use Dim a, b As Integer = 0 you will get an error.
Create a object from a .NET assembly and a object name
- Use the "Activator.CreateInstanceFrom" method.
Specify if a property is visible at design time or run time
- Use the "Browsable" attribute.
Sending an email using one line of code!
- Try the System.Web.Mail.SMTPMail.Send method.
Making a form always stay on top
- Set the "TopMost" property of a form to true.
Not enough code examples in the help documentation
- Sometimes there is a short code example for other languages. Click the language filter button (
) and select "Show All".