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xGameConsoleXNA Documentation


Executes an operation on a separate thread.

Provides a base foundation that makes it very easy to add console comamnds.

Attribute used to define categories on a method.

Provides argument data for a command.

Stores a queued list of commands.

Provides a delegate that is called when a command is executed.

Manages a list of objects that implement the interface.

Manages commands for the console.

Privides Console based functionality.

Attribute used to define a description on a method.

Provides a delegate used for handling DoWork events.

Contains helper methods for working with the console.

Provides a interface for connecting and disconnecting command extender objects to the command manager.

A callback delegate used by the CommandExtenderManager.LoadExtenderObjects method.

A callback delegate used by the CommandExtenderManager.LoadExtenderObjects method.

A class for handling print events.

A class for handling entry line events.

Provides a delegate used for handling ProgressChanged events.

A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.

Provides a delegate for rendering the console.

Provides a delegate that returns information about a command and it's return value.

A class for handling return value events.

Provides a delegate used for handling WorkerCompleted events.

Provides a class that can be applied as a attribute to a method for hiding commands from users.

Created by: X

Just another personal website in this crazy online world

Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
About Me -- Resume