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Whoot! Whoot! Nano baby!

Published 3/28/2006 by createdbyx in News

When I switched over to Telus DSL they were offering a 3 year Fixed Rate contract an get a free 2 gig iPod Nano, that I just got in the mail today!

This thing is really cool, not that I listen to music all that often but I can see why this device is so popular. Not only does it play music but it also can be used as a removeable disk drive for storing any kind of file, as well as the ability to store photos, and text files that you can view and read on the devices screen.

It even comes with a few games like breakout, solitair, parachute, and music quiz.

I just hope I don't have to cancel my internet service in the next 3 years for whatever reason. THe deal with the 3 year fixed rate plan I subscribed to specifies that if I cancel my internet early they will charge me like 230+(CDN) dollars as a penalty! eep! Not that I see that happening but you never know.

Also I keep forgetting I have some video I have been meaning to post on my site of this years mushroom camp. I will try to post it in the next couple of days.

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Created by: X

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Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
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