I'm back from picking matsutake in northern BC! As it turned out it was my best year I have ever had picking mushrooms. Three of my best days for poundage were 49Lbs buttons/70lbs Total the next day was 52Lbs Buttons/72Lbs Total, and a few days after that I picked 49Lbs Buttons, 73Lbs Total weight. Plus you have to add +-15Lbs for the weight of my backpack an all my gear, and I was packing about 85-90 pounds out of the bush. If you think that's rough, it is! But you can't complain after you sell them. 
The rundown
- ZOMG! Comment spam. I am so glad I turned on comment moderation. I came back from camp and there was about 50+ comments made across the site.
- I am going to be adding to my CBXADVBlogger extension for BlogEngine.NET so I can moderate comments better.
- I have posted pictures from this years mushroom picking season. You can find them in the gallery under the "Mushroom Pictures->2009 Mushroom Season" section.
- Sigh. And lastly I don't think I can write a better post then the one I made last year titled Heaven help Me! Nuff Said. Stupid game, grumble, grumble....